Something That You Wanna Be, Something That You wanna Do, Yes They Are...
Noriko Izuna Ai
Jumat, Februari 01, 2013
They are so lucky, they born to be that. They know from the deep of their heart and soul, and they can do that. They are so lucky could do the extraordinary thing, exploring the world and have a big journey 'till they last breathe. They can fly across the island, they can swim across the sea. They can feel the desire, they've got that! What so blessed! Their blood has blended with everything that they see, every dot of nature. They are lucky, so so lucky. I also wanna do that, exploring the world, enjoying what kind of things that i love. But another side of my life, has pressure me to just being another human. I hate this, i wanna scream, i wanna run away. Is there no place that could accepting my dreams? Is there no one that would supporting every single thing that i love to do? In the whole of my life, i just wanna be an explorer, i wouldn't end my journey only with an ordinary life of human. I've my rights, but i can't even take the first step. They're so lucky and in the whole of my life i just want to feel that so.
I don't want to only stay on the only one place. I want to move. Is there no supporting things for me to dream and realize those kind of dreams? Could anyone hear those kind of my voice and help me out to get there?
Label: My Side

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